
Learn how to use the NovuProvider component to set up the Novu context in your React Native application

The NovuProvider is the top-level component that provides the Novu instance to the rest of the hooks through the context. Usually, it's placed somewhere in the root of your application, which makes the hooks accessible throughout the application.


subscriberIdstringYesThe unique identifier of the subscriber
applicationIdentifierstringYesYour application identifier from Novu
subscriberHashstringNoHMAC encryption hash for the subscriber
backendUrlstringNoCustom backend URL for self-hosted instances
socketUrlstringNoCustom socket URL for self-hosted instances
childrenReactNodeYesThe child components that will have access to the Novu context

Example Usage

import { NovuProvider } from '@novu/react-native';
function App() {
  return (
      {/* Your app components */}

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